We all have are favorite guy in porn. Christian is my porn star crush ;-P
He is not as easy to meet as my easy going ass ... But thankfully he and his husband had be wanting to play with me. While in Berlin I absolutely had to play with Christian! there was no way I was going to leave that city without out burring my had deep in his gut!
I had a drank with the very sexy, beefy, couple at More the night before we where going to play. They are so sweet and funny. I wish i lived near them because they would make great friends even if we didn't play.
the following night i make it to their place, my first time using the subway in Berlin.. not too hard. Anyway, I get there and only Christian can play, I was really hoping to play with them as a couple but there is all ways next time.
Christian Hurzog is everything i had hoped he would be in more! his cunt sucked my arm elbow deep in his hot muscle ass, and i loved kissing him and the eye contact he gave me with his kind blue eyes ass he ravaged my ass. Now i know what it's like to feel my porn star crush and i can't wait till next time the 3 of us play!!! ;-D